The problem with MGTOW – is they have a point.

We need to ask, what message has been sent to young men, and why?

Society allowed very loud attacks based on what it turns out were utter distortions, and not only knowable but known ones. 

We have never heard about how it could be that broken and dangerous boys – were created by abuse by female caregivers.  We need to ask – why is it that we have systematically not only ignored the female sexual predators but punished their victims instead of the perpetrators?

We have heard endlessly these women either do not exist or are exceedingly rare – but are they, were they, was that a view based on science or prejudice, even hate?

The reality of this prejudice creates what is very likely continued distortions in reports, as those who are told endlessly, they cannot possibly be victims are far less likely to sustain the view that they are.  If we started to count as we do for women, to add in things like informed consent and included all the times that she lied with regards to birth control?

As the inverse of this is clearly seen as sexual assault, oh – and for those who think few women support or fail to judge this if you engage in this line of discussion will face the reality of what has been acceptable in the broadest discussions.

There has also been a loud and continuous gendered hate expressed, anchored on a broad series of very clear and deliberate distortions.  There are many women who are awakening because of their concern with the infantilization of women, I would suggest to those women that while they have a point – they are missing the broader mark, the infantilization of women is being done, in order to pass blame to men for situations mostly or even entirely of her making.  

This while boys are being frankly damaged by these choices.   Remove role models, damage their education, demonize their gender endlessly and yet somehow so many will assert – women, even where they removed the other parent have no broader responsibility

Here instead we see a little honesty.

Unlike what Cathy Newman effectively asserted with regards to a crisis of masculinity – and women having no responsibility.  We need to ask ourselves- when women have been allowed to make a point to remove fathers, and male teachers because of a hysterical view of abuse?  This where the reality appears far less gendered – if at all, except for in how the responsibility is taken.  (see story above)

Here we see some ownership, but we need to ask, was this really an individual choice, or one that was loudly encouraged and pushed by a generation of feminists, who also constantly asserted girls needed role models, while in effect actively choosing to remove the role models of boys.

It leads to things like this – and please note the frequency, where she is leaping to conclusions- so that the cheating is something solely in her mind.  That is, she believes she has the right to hit him, because of a belief she has.

Now let us ask, reverse the gender, what would the reaction be? 

It is like #metoo, where those at its center asserted it was not just about women, but very quickly it was made clear the men who were targets who did speak up, were instantly dismissed, disrupting the narrative – even when that was supposed to be non-gendered, even where it is boys or wounded veterans – being subjected to predation by members of parliament. – where this had her eventually going to his home, and him having lodged a formal complaint – yet the NDP investigation – required only her assertion of consensual. where she was the one with power and the initiator. This is to say., her consent should not have been the one in question.

Imagine the following, gender-reversed, and these would be clearly questions of criminal behaviour, but -because of an endless “no woman would” narrative, this has been feminists (women) asserting women doing the same thing as they demonize men for is merely flirtation.

Yet – when she does what would be clearly understood to be sexual assault gender-reversed?  How did it get there?  What lies and from whom were believed?   Well, Koss who is the author of that work – that created the campus rape hysteria- not only asserted women had no responsibility for her choices, after a single drink even where she was the initiator, even when he was drunker.  She also made clear that men do not feel what women do – when assaulted.

So when we look we discover:

a) when a woman sexually assaults a man – it is rarely considered rape – regardless of the force or the horror- because of a deep bias built into the definition.

b) “A Home Office spokesperson told ITV News: “

We recognize that men and boys also experience abusive and violent crimes that fall within the umbrella of violence against women and girls.”

There is a basic problem here, in that this is a very clear attempt to recast the narrative, but one that is forced into a language that at its core was created to deny the existence of male victims.  There has been a pattern, of including male victim counts in the numbers for “violence against women” without making that apparent.  The very reality of calling abuse done by a woman – against a man – falling within “violence against women” makes the essential lie both very clear, and the attempt to hide the deliberate distortion that was contained therein.  The reality that feminists have used the added numbers to justify support for shelters from which men are excluded sends a potent message when understood.

“Forgotten due to a lack of support” I would suggest that she is playing nice – because the highest levels of politics are still dominated by feminists- but there is a growing group of both men and women – who are coming to understand the reality of the common beliefs of the likes of Koss and Pence, and others, that in effect sexual assault and violence against men -simply do not count

Imagine asking if women had any responsibility in the crisis of masculinity – one has to ask, what created its emergence? 

Who are the young men most affected, who are the ones adrift, the ones committing suicide, lacking purpose and direction, falling into crime, or out of the workforce?  They are the sons of divorce, the boys alienated from their fathers.  It is among the adults, those men falsely accused in family court, often those whose wives were, in fact, abusive, now using that accusation against them to alienate them from children.  One has to ask if women do not believe they have a responsibility to their sons – a responsibility to act in an honourable fashion, a responsibility to all of their students, not just the girls, what message does that send? 

Given the reality of removing books for boys and failing utterly to understand how to educate boys (war against boys) resulting in falling scores and mass drugging of boys, what message do we suppose has already been sent?   

We see women who have been aware driven to despair – by the reality of them being cast as demons themselves because they see the truth.

Or clearly afraid to make their feelings known.

We see women deliberately asking leading questions now- some of who know the answer -and want to show other women.  The issue is inertia – that has so clearly been seen in feminism – things long ago shown to be false, persist, this threatens in the reaction also, women can address the lies, change their views – but the reality of timing, and the fact that young men will be deeply influenced by their childhood – means the hysteria of 10 years ago – will continue to influence the views of young men – for decades into the future.  The boy who saw women laughing along with this – while he was very aware of the reality of domestic violence, is likely to have a permanent impression formed.  We can scream not all women to him – but society would have an essential problem here as well, given how the inverse of that was dealt with.

Now – emerging – and often led by women – is a reflection on the history of feminism, which is emerging at the same time as the lies of domestic and sexual violence are collapsing along with the reality of female sexual predators and perpetrators is becoming impossible to avoid.

Consider that there is a growing cohort of young women – who see the truth that Fiamengo is speaking.  They are also understanding the reality of the damage to even women who spoke up – like Elizabeth above.  The only effective answer to the mgtow narrative does not involve telling them they are wrong about what has been, or the intent of feminism – because frankly, that is a non-starter.  The means by which the narratives were created and gendered despite the evidence makes clear either a deep hatred or a choice to manipulate with no regard to the harm to boys.  It can be asserted that the many followed the few blindly, and that is very likely true – but on the other hand that does not exactly inspire trust, and it is a choice to yet again allow complete avoidance of personal responsibility – the issue very much at the core of the problem here.  Something that those who push traditional conservatism as the answer – double down on. Telling him – he is the problem when she wants to reverse herself – adds powerful evidence to a very dark version of the Vilar thesis.

Are women to be held to their obligations or not?  If they are not- then why would any man consider this a real partnership?  Why would he choose to take any risk- if she never has any responsibility?

The answers to mgtow – are very much found the complaints of many women complaining that feminism infantilizes women. It is that women need to be treated like adults, and held to their commitments, and seen as responsible, for trust to be built. It means having a single set of standards, where domestic violence or sexual predation is understood by actions, not gender. This means seeing female abusers, seeing women responsible for their own choices, and the possibility of men being the abused – not just the abuser.

7 thoughts on “The problem with MGTOW – is they have a point.

    1. The inability to appreciate the simple reality – that women were not angels, men not devils – so clear in that protest against Farrell, is leaving feminists appearing to have endorsed and supported female sexual predators, female abusers etc. That consent needs to be two-way – resulted in accusations of “rape apology” can’t be answered with “we did not know” where it is clear that there had been a choice to ignore, bury and deny.

      There will be many who try now to distance themselves from that now, but – if you did not understand that some women could be predatory, some women abusive etc – who was the brutal sexist? Asserting this was an innocent error – especially for a female feminist who asserted evil other – well simply does not work.

      Male feminists should also understand that they are likely to be viewed going forward with the presumption that they are the problem, because if you are ready to believe horrid things so easily of other men – should not other men presume it is you projecting?


  1. Uh Yeah once you take the Red Pill you cannot untake the Red Pill! You may decide after a while or via circumstance to re-enter the dating market. You cannot unlearn or unknow what you know. You can chose to stop espousing MGTOW views but you cannot forget what you learned

    So once MGTOW you always stay MGTOW to a certain degree


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